Independent Living - Step Up Pack

Shining Stars is passionate about improving the lives and life chances of care leavers and keeping this in mind we have recently introduced ‘Leaving Care Pack’ which is like a set up pack that would be given out to young people moving on to independent living to assist them with their move.

What is Independent Living?

 It is when you leave care at the age of 18 but the prepartaions for the independent living start when you are age 16. Don’t worry there is plenty of support for you. Your local council must provide you with support until you are 25. Following are some types of support that you will be offerd but are not limited to these.

Key to a house

Independent Life / Daily Living Skills & Housing Resources


Building Self-Esteem, Decision Making & Emotional Support


Assistance Education, including Bursaries & Application 


Guidance / Assistance in finding a Job or Internship  

finance-management-young people-fostering

Guidance / Assistance in finding a Job or Internship  

Below are some link that could be really helpful for you towards your independent living. Please remember that there is always a way out from a situation. Please get in touch as there is plenty of support available.

Become. A Charity for Children in Care and Young Care Leavers

Become is here to make a difference to individual lives right now, and the care system as a whole for future generations. Since 1992 we’ve been working to improve the everyday lives and future life chances of children in care and young care leavers.

Propel UK | Care Leavers - Is higher education for me?

Making the leap from care to independent life at university or college can be both scary and exciting.  If you want to be a student there is loads of support available for care leavers to make it happen. Find out more:

Children's Commissioner | Help At Hand

If you’re in care, leaving care, living away from home or working with social services, we’ll give you confidential advice and information about your situation and answer any questions you have. No issue is too big or too small. Childrens Commissioner Leaving Care & Your Rights

What do Children in our care say?

What if I have a problem or I am sad?

If you are worried, frightened or sad you must tell someone. There are lots of ways  you can tell people and lots of people you can tell about what ever is bothering you.

You can tell adults you trust

You Can Tell Adults You Trust

Foster Carer

Your Social Worker

Supervising Social Worker

Family or Friend


Children/Young People Helplines

Children/Young People Helplines

Ofsted 0300 123 1231 

Childline 0800 1111

Commissioner for Children
020 7783 8330

Complaints Officer at Local Authority

Are you in immediate danger?

Are you in immediate danger?

If you or a friend is in immediate danger or need urgent help, call 999

Shining Stars Fostering is available 24/7 for you. Feel free to contact us on 020 8263 6260

Frequent ASked Questions

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'Refer A Friend' Reward

SSFA has a range Policies and Procedures concerning Social Work Practice, HR and Finance which are used to guide staff and for tendering and commissioning purposes.  If any of the issues that are not covered please do contact your supervising social worker or our registered manager who will guide you to the appropriate policy.  Shining Stars Fostering Agency Tri-X policies