Shining Stars News & Updates

This area is there for you to read the latest news, stay up-to-date and find out about any upcoming events.

Shining Stars Fostering News & Updates

Our foster carers and children in our care are welcome to share anything interesting that they have done, experienced or achieved for this News Page. We would love to publish it on our website (of course with your permission).

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The Black History Month – A historic year

The Black History Month: What is it? October is Black History Month in the UK, an event that has been celebrated nationwide for more than 30 years. The month was […]

BBC: Foster Carers Change Our Lives

BBC: In London,nearly 10,000 children are need of a foster care placement. what is being done? "In foster care you feel underrated, you want to prove them wrong. But we [...]

Training Calendar 2024-25 For Foster Carers

Training is an important part of your development as a foster carer and complements the support and skills you have. Training is ongoing and is provided before approval and throughout [...]

Foster Care Fortnight 2023-The Fostering Network’s Annual Campaign

Foster Care Fortnight 2023 :The Fostering Network's Annual Campaign Starts May 15 until 28 Foster Care Fortnight™ is The Fostering Network's annual campaign to raise the profile of fostering and [...]

Anti-Bullying Week 2022: Reach Out

Anti-Bullying Week 2022: Reach Out Anti-Bullying Week 2022 was coordinated in England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. It took place from 14th to 18th November and had the theme […]

Refugee Week 2022 is a UK-wide festival celebrating refugees and people seeking sanctuary!

Refugee Week is a UK-wide festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary. Founded in 1998 and held every year around World Refugee Day on […]

Modern Slavery is closer than you think!

Modern Slavery and Child Trafficking Modern slavery is happening in the UK today and it is closer than we think, but the crime can be difficult to spot and can […]

World Book Day 2022! Changing lives through reading.

WORLD BOOK DAY - 3rd March 2022 Changing lives through a love of books and shared reading. INTRODUCING 2022’S £1/€1.50 BOOKS FOR ALL AGES World Book Day delighted to bring [...]

Fostering Allowance

FOSTERING ALLOWANCE In this post, we will talk about fostering allowances and why they are paid. Firstly, Shining Stars’ foster carers receive a generous weekly allowance starting from £425.00/week. However, […]

Safeguarding Toolkit

Safeguarding Toolkit Shining Stars Fostering Agency (SSFA) is pleased about the launch of their Safeguarding Toolkit. The toolkit has been designed for looked after children in consultation with children and […]

Outstanding by Ofsted

Shining Stars Fostering received top grades from Ofsted We are an Ofsted "Outstanding" Fostering Agency in all the evaluation criteria: The overall experiences and progress of children and young people [...]

Frequent ASked Questions

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Find out if you meet the criteria to become one of our foster carers.

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'Refer A Friend' Reward

SSFA has a range Policies and Procedures concerning Social Work Practice, HR and Finance which are used to guide staff and for tendering and commissioning purposes.  If any of the issues that are not covered please do contact your supervising social worker or our registered manager who will guide you to the appropriate policy.  Shining Stars Fostering Agency Tri-X policies