What you should know 'About going missing'

This page will give you some overview on what it means if you go missing and what happens while you are missing. No matter what, we and your Foster Carers are always there for you. 

When you go out and you don’t tell your foster carer where you are, they get worried and so does everybody that works with you and support your foster carers. Your foster carer gets worried because they don’t know where you are and if you are okay. They also don’t know if you are safe and that’s why they have a duty to report you missing to the police and social services.

Here for you! There is always a solution

Foster carers and professionals aim to work with you on taking risks sensibly. We are experienced in talking to young people and understand that you must be experiencing strong feelings not to want to speak about why you are going out and where you are going.

What happens when you go missing?

If you have a number of missing episodes your social worker will have to ask the press to send out a picture of you and ask the public to contact them if they see you or know where you are. Having a record of missing episodes might have an impact on applications with the home office or applications for internships and work.

Why do we worry about you?

There are times where young people are in very difficult situations, being bullied or exploited, and sometimes they don’t recognise that. We have supported many young people in situations like that to help them make changes that improved their lives.

Want to be with friends?

For example, some young people go missing because they want to be with their friends and they think they will not be allowed to do so. It’s good for everybody to have good friendships and we want to help you do this safely so there is no need to contact the police. We will support you in making choices that are best for you and this maybe that you see your friends in safe places.

Are you in a relationship?

We know young people may have boyfriends or girlfriends or may want to be in a relationship. We want you to feel you can share that with people you trust, your foster carers or maybe the adults working with you. We understand they are important in your life and we will support you in having healthy relationships and to think about all the important aspects of being in a relationship.

Working to earn extra money?

Some young people are afraid of letting their carers know that they are working to earn some money. It’s better to talk to us and explore opportunities for further education, training or employment that are best for you. Together, we can talk through all the options that are possible. 

There are many ways to address the problems or difficulties you are going through and we are stronger if we work together to sort those things out. 

Call Shining Stars on: 020 8263 6260

What do Children in our care say?

What if I have a problem or I am sad?

If you are worried, frightened or sad you must tell someone. There are lots of ways  you can tell people and lots of people you can tell about what ever is bothering you.

You can tell adults you trust

Foster Carer

Your Social Worker

Supervising Social Worker

Family or Friend


Children/Young People Helplines

Ofsted 0300 123 1231 

Childline 0800 1111

Commissioner for Children
020 7783 8330

Complaints Officer at Local Authority

Are you in immediate danger?

If you or a friend is in immediate danger or need urgent help, call 999

Shining Stars Fostering is available 24/7 for you. Feel free to contact us on 020 8263 6260

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SSFA has a range Policies and Procedures concerning Social Work Practice, HR and Finance which are used to guide staff and for tendering and commissioning purposes.  If any of the issues that are not covered please do contact your supervising social worker or our registered manager who will guide you to the appropriate policy.  Shining Stars Fostering Agency Tri-X policies